GAIL Tender: (NIC Tender ID 2024_GAIL_199433_1) dated 08.07.2024
GAIL India Limited, Gas Processing Unit, Gandhar has floated an open tender (NIC Tender ID 2024_GAIL_199433_1) dated 08.07.2024 for “Procurement of Molecular Sieves for Gail (India) Limited, Gas Processing Unit, Gandhar ” , which is due on 07.08.2024.
2. The complete tender document (comprising of technical specification, forms to be filled up, terms / conditions, instructions for tender submission etc.) has been uploaded on following websites:
i. GAIL EPS website – https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app & http://www.gailtenders.in/
click on search, type the RFQ no. in keyword, click search, list will appear and click on the RFQ no. for tender details. Event ID is 2024-GAIL-199433.
ii. In http://eprocure.gov.in/epublish/app the tender ID is 2024_GAIL_199433_1.
Link to Tender Document: https://t.ly/yTmVx
3. Offers are to be submitted via e-tender portal http://www.gailtenders.in/